Take Another Chance Challenge (6 Month Book Chalenge)

The “Take Another Chance Challenge (6 Months)” is a fun and inventive book discovery challenge that you can do for the next 6 months. from June to December.

Take Another Chance Challenge (6 Months)

Embark on a ten-part adventure that takes you both through the shelves of a library and the depths of your imagination. Seven of these activities are designed to help you discover books in unconventional ways. The remaining three tasks encourage you to stretch your creative muscles in the realms of short stories, poetry, and reviews. Participate in as many or as few of these challenges as you’d like. The aim is to have fun without the stress of deadlines or grades.

Here’s a rundown of the ten unique challenges. For each one, your objective is to find a book and then read and write about it.

1. Random Book Selection:

Visit a library and choose a section of interest—be it Fiction, Biographies, Fantasy, or any other category. Create arbitrary guidelines to follow (e.g., fourth aisle, top shelf, seventh book from the left). Once you find the book that fits your self-made criteria, borrow it, read it, and jot down your thoughts. Alternatively, do this exercise at a bookstore and purchase the book instead.

2. Random Word:

Use a random word generator online to produce a word. Your task is to find a book that features this word in its title. After reading it, record your impressions and your thought on randomness.

3. Birth Year Book:

Locate a book that was first published or copyrighted during the year you were born. Once you’ve read it, write down your reflections.

4. Judge A Book By Its Cover:

Choose a book based purely on its cover. Initially, write down what you expect the book’s contents to be, judging by its cover alone. After reading the book, compare your initial expectations with the actual content.

5. Phoning An Author:

Use a telephone directory to pick a random surname. Then find an author who shares that surname and read one of their works. Write about your reading experience.

6. Public Spying:

Spot someone reading a book in a public place. Discover what book they are engrossed in, and then read the same book yourself. Share your creative writing thoughts on it afterward.

7. Random Bestseller:

Use Random.org’s True Random Number Generator to select a year between 1950 and 2008. Visit a website that lists bestsellers by year and navigate to the list for the week of your birth in that year. Select a book from that list, read it, and then write about it.

8. Lit Rif:

(Inspired by the book Lit Riffs by Matthew Miele.) Inspired by the concept of song-based stories, choose a tune that resonates with you. Write a short story that is either inspired by or elaborates on the song’s lyrics.

9. Poetic Review:

Select a book of your choice and compose a book review using three different types of poetry: haiku, limerick, and free verse.

10. Movie To Book Comparison:

  1. Find a book that has been adapted into a movie, neither of which you have previously experienced. Read the book and watch the film within a short span of time. Do a movie to book comparison. Write about your reactions to both, contrasting the two versions .

Enjoy your literary and creative adventure with Take Another Chance Challenge (6 Month Book Chalenge)!

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